‘Innovation for a better mobility system’ is the central topic of the International Road Federation 2023 Annual Conference, a two-day, all-digital event on 21st -22nd of November that will bring together industry experts from all over the world. This 2023 edition is special because it falls in the Federation’s 75th anniversary year and also celebrates World Sustainable Transport Day.
The aim of the conference is to present, to a qualified audience of industry experts, policy makers, start-ups and road transport professionals, the cutting-edge technologies and most innovative approaches that could revolutionise current mobility systems in the near future.
In this context, Valerio Molinari will represent Ecogest and Ecogest North America, with a speech in the session dedicated to innovations in road and highway green maintenance. The presentation by Valerio Molinari, who is, together with our Michela Nanni, a member of the International Board of IRF and founder of the Climate Change Study centre (CCSC), will analyse how the application of technology leads to mitigating the impact of climate change, and thus increasing the ‘life’ of transport infrastructure.
“I am very pleased with the choice of IRF,” said Molinari, “to privilege the experience and recent efforts made by our company system in the field of combating the effects of climate change, inviting us to tell, to such an important and referenced audience, but above all of international scope, the progress made on the correlation between the maintenance of green roads and motorways, the new choices of naturalisation of infrastructure areas, and the possibility, through them, of significantly reducing the impact of climate change. We are in the midst of an emergency, and it is time to move on from the simple ‘diagnosis’, now shared by all experts, to immediate and radical solutions and ‘cures’ that can effectively intervene in the transport system’.
Molinari’s speech is scheduled for the afternoon session of the first day, Tuesday 21st November from 3.00 p.m.; participation in the event is open and absolutely free of charge and registration can be made through this link: https://irfnet.ch/event/irf-annual-conference-2023-innovation-for-better-mobility-systems/