Partner of
ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 37001, ISO 39001, UNI PDR 125:2022 and SA 8000 quality certifications, applied as a construction site operating tool, are constantly monitored to offer the client a quality controlled and impeccable service.
A young, dynamic headquarters structure, supported by professionals for design and investigation activities, complete the organization of Ecogest, making it reliable in every working context both in Italy and internationally.
Other certifications:
- SOA categories OG3, OG13, OS12A, OS24
- Waste Management Authorization Category 1 class E
- Waste Management Authorization Category 4 class E
- Waste Management Authorization Category 8 class E
- Waste Management Authorization art.212 co.8 Italian Legislative Decree 03/04/06 No. 152 as amended
- Authorizations “purchase and use of very toxic, toxic and harmful products”
- “Own account” transport authorization for lorries over 50 quintals
- “Third party” transport authorization