The decision of the Molinari family aims to the development in foreign markets
RAVENNA – On 15 February 2019, acting through the holding company owned by the Molinari family, the TCM Group Srl, the shareholders of Ecogest SpA announced their intention to proceed with the share capital increase in favour of Ecogest SpA.
The decision, which was welcomed by the BoD, confirms the strategy to strengthen the Company’s assets, also in accordance with the measures to protect its financial structure.
Valerio Molinari, the Company’s main shareholder, has defined the decision taken in the last few days as a “tangible sign of the desire to pursue the development of the commercial activities in foreign markets, without affecting the financial structure intended for the core business activities in Italy.”
Ecogest is continuing its commercial activities throughout Northern Europe in a systematic manner, and is finalizing the bureaucratic procedures to access to the US market, which is extremely interesting for its possible commercial scenarios.
“We followed up the intentions and the strategies – continues Molinari – reintroducing personal financial resources into the corporate assets, which were an integral part of the other assets of our group. The Italian economic events, the persistent stagnation of the domestic production market and the lack of a banking system have led us to take these decisions, aimed at supporting the growing SMEs, also in connection with the next entry of private partners, who are evaluating our company with interest.”
At the beginning of 2019, Ecogest covers more than 6.300 km of road and motorway network in Italy, working for 15 Italian motorway concessionaires and 5 regional departments of Anas SpA, as well as being permanently established in the markets of Poland, Romania and France. The order book of the Company at 31 December 2018 was approximately 24 mln euro.
Ecogest SpA, with its headquarters in Cotignola, owns three offices abroad and five logistic centers throughout Italy.
18th February 2019
Communication office